“总是开会临时通知”可以用“The meetings are always notified temporarily” 或者 “The meetings are always informed at the last minute” 。
“notify” 有“通知,告知”的意思,“temporarily” 表示“临时地,暂时地”,“be notified temporarily” 形象地表达了“被临时通知”的意思。
“inform” 也有“通知,告知”之意,“at the last minute” 常用来形容“在最后一刻,临时”,“be informed at the last minute” 则强调了通知的紧急和临时性。
例如:We are tired of the meetings being always notified temporarily.(我们厌倦了总是被临时通知开会。) 或者 We are fed up with the meetings being always informed at the last minute. (我们受够了总是在最后一刻才被通知开会。)