1. Construction 建造,建筑
Example: The construction of the new bridge took two years.
2. Constructor 构造者,建造者
Example: The constructor finished the building on time.
3. Constructive 建设性的
Example: The constructive feedback was very helpful.
4. Reconstruction 重建,修复
Example: The reconstruction of the ancient ruins was a massive project.
5. Deconstruction 解构
Example: The philosopher's work focused on deconstruction of literary texts.
6. Constructivism 建构主义
Example: Constructivism is a theory in education that emphasizes the importance of the learner's own construction of knowledge.
7. Structure 结构
Example: The structure of the atom is complex.
8. Constructionism 建构主义
Example: Constructionism is a theory in education that suggests that learning is best achieved by constructing knowledge through hands-on activities.
9. Constructability 可构建性
Example: The project was designed with constructability in mind.
10. Constructive 构造的,建设性的
Example: The constructive approach to problem-solving led to a successful resolution.