1. 前面、前方:指的是物体的前面或某个方向的前部。例如:"The front door of the house is open."
2. 前面的人或事物:指在行列或队伍中排在前面的人或事物。例如:"He was the front man of the band."
3. 表面、外观:指事物的外表或表面现象。例如:"The front page of the newspaper is always the most read."
4. 前线、前沿:在军事或比喻意义上,指冲突或斗争的前线。例如:"The soldiers are on the front lines of the battle."
5. 团体、组织的前台:指团体或组织在公众面前的代表或形象。例如:"She is the front of the charity organization."
6. 前锋、先锋:比喻在某个领域或运动中领先的人或事物。例如:"He was a front runner in the race for the presidency."
7. 正面、正面形象:指某人或某事给人的正面印象或看法。例如:"She maintains a positive front."
8. 商店、办公室等的前部:指商店、办公室等建筑物的入口或前部。例如:"The front of the store is very attractive."