“登高望远”常见的英语表述有:“ascend a height to enjoy a distant view” 或者 “climb up high and look far” 。
“ascend a height to enjoy a distant view” 中,“ascend” 有“上升、攀登”的意思,“height” 表示“高度”,“enjoy a distant view” 意思是“欣赏远处的景色”,整体连起来就形象地表达了“登高望远”的含义。
“climb up high and look far” ,“climb up” 是“爬上、攀登”,“high” 指“高的”,“look far” 即“看得远”,这个短语也能体现出“登高望远”的意思。
例如:He likes to ascend a height to enjoy a distant view on weekends.(他周末喜欢登高望远。) 或者 They climbed up high and looked far to appreciate the beautiful scenery.(他们登高望远以欣赏美丽的风景。)