1. 尊敬、敬意:表示对某人或某事的尊重和钦佩。
例句:We hold our teachers in great honour.
2. 荣誉、光荣:指因成就或行为而获得的荣誉。
例句:He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, an immense honour.
3. 光荣的、值得尊敬的:形容某事物具有尊严或价值。
例句:The act of volunteering is an honourable one.
4. 信誉、名誉:指个人的名声或信誉。
例句:He has a good honour in the community.
5. 光荣的事迹:指值得纪念或传颂的事迹。
例句:The soldiers' bravery in battle was an honour to their country.