“夏天到”英文可以写作“Summer Has Come” 或者 “Summer Is Here” 。
开头可以简单描述对夏天到来的感受,比如 “Summer has come and I feel so excited. (夏天到了,我感到非常兴奋。)”
接着描述夏天的特点,比如天气炎热 “The weather is hot and the sun shines brightly. (天气炎热,阳光明媚。)” 提到人们的穿着变化 “People wear light and colorful clothes. (人们穿着轻薄、色彩鲜艳的衣服。)”
然后可以写夏天的活动,像游泳 “We can go swimming to cool off. (我们可以去游泳来降温。)” 野餐 “Have picnics in the park. (在公园野餐。)”
还可以描述夏天的水果 “There are many kinds of fruits in summer, such as watermelon and mango. (夏天有很多种水果,比如西瓜和芒果。)”
最后总结对夏天的喜爱 “Summer is a wonderful season and I love it very much. (夏天是一个美妙的季节,我非常喜欢它。)”