可以先简单介绍一下写作的目的,比如“I want to describe my father's appearance to let you know him better.”(我想描述我父亲的外貌,让你们更好地了解他。)
Start with a general description. For example, \My father is a tall and strong man.\ (先从整体描述开始。例如,“我的父亲是一个高大强壮的男人。”)
Mention his face. You could say, \He has a square face with sharp features. His eyes are deep and kind, and his eyebrows are thick and black.\ (提到他的脸。你可以说,“他有一张方形的脸,五官分明。他的眼睛深邃而慈祥,眉毛又浓又黑。”)
Describe his hair. Maybe, \His hair is short and black, with a few strands of grey showing his hard work and years of experience.\ (描述他的头发。也许,“他的头发短而黑,有几缕灰色显示出他的辛勤工作和岁月的经历。”)
Talk about his figure. \He has broad shoulders and a straight back, which makes him look very confident and reliable.\ (谈论他的身材。“他有宽阔的肩膀和挺直的背,这让他看起来非常自信和可靠。”)
Conclude your description by expressing your feelings. For instance, \I love my father's appearance because it shows his strength and kindness.\ (通过表达你的感受来结束你的描述。例如,“我爱我父亲的外貌,因为它展现了他的力量和善良。”)
Remember to use descriptive words and sentences, and organize your composition logically to make it clear and vivid. (记住使用描述性的词语和句子,并合理组织你的作文,使其清晰生动。)