以下是用“is so tall”造句的一些例子:
The building is so tall that it seems to touch the sky.
(这座建筑是如此之高,似乎触到了天空。)The giraffe is so tall that it can easily reach the leaves on the top of the tree. (长颈鹿是如此的高,它能够轻松地够到树顶的叶子。)
My brother is so tall that he has to duck when entering the room. (我的哥哥是如此高,以至于他进入房间时不得不低头。)
The new skyscraper in the city center is so tall that it dominates the skyline. (市中心的新摩天大楼是如此之高,以至于它主导了天际线。)
She is so tall that she stands out in the crowd. (她是如此高,在人群中很显眼。)