1. \I wish you all the best in your new endeavors after leaving this job. May your path be filled with success and happiness.\ (祝你在离开这份工作后的新征程中一切顺利。愿你的道路充满成功和幸福。)
This sentence expresses sincere good wishes for the person's future, emphasizing positive expectations.
2. \Congratulations on taking this brave step of leaving. I'm sure great opportunities await you. Good luck!\ (恭喜你迈出勇敢的辞职这一步。我相信大好的机会在等着你。祝你好运!)
It highlights the courageous aspect of the decision and conveys optimism about the future.
3. \Best of luck in your next chapter. I have no doubt that you'll thrive and achieve amazing things.\ (祝你在人生的下一篇章中好运。我毫不怀疑你会茁壮成长,取得惊人的成就。)
This phrase shows confidence in the person's ability to succeed in the future.
4. \I hope your resignation leads you to a more fulfilling and rewarding career. All the best to you!\ (我希望你的辞职能让你走向一个更有成就感和回报丰厚的职业。祝你一切都好!)
It focuses on the potential positive impact of the resignation on the person's career.
5. \Leaving is a new beginning. May this new start bring you everything you've been dreaming of. Farewell and good luck!\ (离开是一个新的开始。愿这个新起点带给你一直梦想的一切。再见,祝你好运!)
It emphasizes the idea of a fresh start and sends warm wishes.