“遍体鳞伤”常见的英文表述有:“be covered all over with cuts and brui s” 、“be black and blue all over” 。
例如:“He was covered all over with cuts and brui s after the accident.”( 过后他遍体鳞伤。)
“After the fight, he was black and blue all over.” (打架之后,他遍体鳞伤。)
“covered all over with cuts and brui s” 这个短语中,“covered all over”表示“浑身、遍体”,“cuts”指“伤口、划伤”,“brui s”指“擦伤、瘀伤”,合起来形象地表达了“遍体鳞伤”的意思。
“black and blue”这个短语通常用来形容因受伤而导致的皮肤淤青的状态,“all over”强调了全身的范围,“be black and blue all over”也就有了“遍体鳞伤”的含义。