“调虎离山”常见的英文表述有:“lure the tiger out of the mountains” 或者 “entice the tiger to leave its haunt” 。
“lure the tiger out of the mountains” 中,“lure”有“引 , 惑”的意思,“out of”表示“从......出来”,这个短语形象地表达了将老虎从它所在的山中引 出来。
“entice the tiger to leave its haunt” 里,“entice”也是“引 ”的意思,“haunt”指“常去的地方,栖息地”,意思是引 老虎离开它的栖息地。
例如:They u d a clever strategy to lure the tiger out of the mountains.(他们用了一个巧妙的策略调虎离山。) 或者 The enemy tried to entice the tiger to leave its haunt but failed.(敌人试图调虎离山,但失败了。)