1. \I understand how you feel. It's okay to be angry right now. Let it all out.\ (我理解你的感受。现在生气是正常的,把情绪都释放出来吧。)
- 表达对对方感受的认同,让他们知道自己的情绪被接纳。
2. \Don't worry, things will get better. This is just a moment and it will pass.\ (别担心,事情会好起来的。这只是一个瞬间,会过去的。)
- 给予积极的展望,让对方相信困难是暂时的。
3. \I'm here for you. You can talk to me whenever you want.\ (我在这陪着你。你随时都可以和我倾诉。)
- 强调自己的陪伴,让对方感到不孤单。
4. \It's not your fault. Sometimes the things happen and they're out of our control.\ (这不是你的错。有时候这些事情发生是我们无法控制的。)
- 帮助对方摆脱自责的情绪。
5. \Let's try to look at the bright side. Maybe there's a lesson to be learned from this.\ (咱们试着看看好的方面。也许能从这件事中学到些什么。)
- 引导对方转换视角,从消极中寻找积极的因素。