1. 恢复健康:指生病或受伤后身体逐渐恢复到正常状态。
例如:"The patient is making good progress in recovery."
2. 经济复苏:在经济领域,指经济从衰退或萧条中恢复过来。
例如:"The economy is expected to enter a phase of recovery next year."
3. 数据恢复:在信息技术领域,指从损坏或丢失的数据中恢复信息。
例如:"Data recovery software can help you recover deleted files."
4. 恢复原状:指将事物恢复到原来的状态或位置。
例如:"The team is working on the recovery of the old building."
5. 恢复名誉:指某人通过行动或努力恢复自己的名誉或信誉。
例如:"He has made a good effort to recover his reputation."