1. 使用括号进行分组
import re
text = "I have (two) apples and (three) oranges."
pattern = r"(d+)s+w+"
replacement = r"1 fruits"
result = re.sub(pattern, replacement, text)
print(result) 输出: I have 2 fruits and 3 fruits.
2. 使用括号进行引用
import re
text = "I have (two) apples and (three) oranges."
pattern = r"(d+)s+w+"
replacement = r"1 1 fruits"
result = re.sub(pattern, replacement, text)
print(result) 输出: I have 2 2 fruits and 3 3 fruits.
3. 使用括号进行条件替换
在某些情况下,你可能想要根据匹配的内容进行不同的替换。这可以通过使用条件操作符 `?` 来实现。
import re
text = "I have (two) apples and (three) oranges."
pattern = r"(d+)s+w+"
replacement = r"(1 apples and 1 oranges)" if "1" == "two" else r"(1 apples and three oranges)"
result = re.sub(pattern, replacement, text)
print(result) 输出: I have two apples and two oranges.